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William Troxell
[email protected]

Celebrate PA Produce Month: Drink Your Veggies!

Get all the benefits of Pennsylvania’s best with these simple ideas from PAVeggies.org

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Aug. 14, 2017: It’s Pennsylvania Produce Month, a great time to take versatile vegetables to the next level: as a beverage. Yes, crunchy, good-for-you vegetables are perfect in the blender, the juicer and even the cocktail shaker.

Transforming Pennsylvania’s finest into something to sip is easy, delicious and refreshing, so bypass the juice aisle at the grocery store and make your own with these tips from the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program.

Super Smoothies

Add the following for big flavors and extra nutrition in your daily protein shake or smoothie: a leaf or two of kale (or any leafy green); sweet vegetable juices (like beet or carrot) to enhance sweetness without extra refined sugar; or vegetable juice ice cubes for not only flavor but also an “icy” consistency.

Just-Right Juicing

Juicing will always concentrate the flavor, so a little goes a long way. Start with a base such as cucumber, beets, carrots, lettuce or tomatoes (avoid the more bitter vegetables), then add something sweet (apple or watermelon) and something with a little bite (ginger root, turmeric or lemon).


Share liquid vegetables with the whole family by making “virgin” versions of popular libations. Get out the blender or juicer and try “Bloody Marys” using locally grown tomatoes, peppers, horseradish and celery; or a bright, refreshing watermelon “margarita” kicked up by adding cantaloupe. Pro tip: Add a splash or two of seltzer.

Want more? Check PAVeggies.org, like PA Veggies on Facebook (PAVeggies) and follow PAProduce on Twitter (@PAVeggies). Use #PAVeggies and stay up to date during Pennsylvania Produce Month.

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program is a statewide marketing order established by a grower referendum, governed by a grower board and funded by grower assessments. The Program’s sole purpose is to serve the vegetable growers of Pennsylvania by promoting Pennsylvania-grown vegetables and funding practical vegetable production research.

EDITORS: If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brodsky at [email protected] or 267-275-1198. An electronic version of this release is available upon request.

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