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For Immediate Release: Media Contact: Eva Dilmanian
August 30, 2021 718.599.2591
[email protected]

Pennsylvania Cole Crops Come into Prime Season in September

PA Veggies Website is Source for Cole Crop Recipes and Tips

Harrisburg, PA – Cole crops—the Brassica Oleracea species that includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, and kohlrabi—come into prime season in Pennsylvania in September. Pennsylvanians looking for new ways to enjoy these nutritious vegetables can turn to the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program (PA Veggies). According to the National Agricultural Statistic Service at USDA, Pennsylvania growers produce about 1,200 acres of cabbage, 950 acres of broccoli, 300 acres of cauliflower, 130 acres of kale, 60 acres of Brussels sprouts and 40 acres of collards each year. The PA Veggies website is a resource for informative articles, recipes and tips, teaching consumers how to get creative with this family of vegetable. The website also contains a directory of local markets where consumers can find these and other PA Veggies.

From recipes for collard green wraps, vegan cauliflower hot wings and veggie slaws to a primer on brassicas, the PA Veggies website is a valuable resource for restaurant chefs, home cooks and locavores.

“Pennsylvania cole crops are nutrition-dense and flavorful, but many people aren’t sure how to prepare them. The PA Veggies website is chockfull of recipes, tips and guides for finding, preparing and enjoying fresh locally-grown produce,” said PA Veggies Executive Secretary William Troxell.

The cooler weather of fall provides the perfect growing conditions for cole crops which will be available in abundance at Pennsylvania roadside farm markets, community farmers’ markets, CSAs, and even supermarkets that support local growers. Cole crops tolerate the early frosts and are often available through November or beyond.

USDA’s Dietary Guidelines recommend eating a variety of different types of vegetables. Broccoli, collards and kale are classified as dark green vegetables that are considered particularly nutritious. Broccoli and kale are good sources of vitamin A and vitamin C. Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kohlrabi are classified as “other vegetables” and have significant amounts of various vitamins and nutrients. All the cole crops contain nitrogen compounds called indoles which are considered to be cancer-inhibiting. For that reason, earlier dietary guidelines specifically recommended including cole crops in your menu several times a week.

For dozens of recipes for the various cole crops, visit the “Blog” tab on the PA Veggies website.

About the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program
The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program is a statewide marketing order established by a grower referendum, governed by a grower board and funded by grower assessments. The Program’s sole purpose is to serve the vegetable growers of Pennsylvania by promoting Pennsylvania-grown vegetables and funding practical vegetable production research. Follow PA Veggies on Facebook or Instagram at @PAVeggies, and use #PAVeggies to find and share homegrown PA happiness experiences.


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