Orange-Maple Roasted Carrotsorange-maple-carrots

  • 4 c. Carrots – sliced
  • 1 T. Maple Syrup (not pancake syrup) – or to taste
  • 1 T. Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp. Salt – or to taste
  • Orange Zest – from one orange or less to taste

Scrub and scrape or peel carrots. Cut into 1/8-inch slices. Mix maple syrup, olive oil, salt and orange zest. Toss maple syrup mixture with the carrots and turn into a greased 1 1/2 quart rectangular casserole dish. Cover loosely with aluminum foil. Bake at 400 ºF for 40 to 45 minutes or until desired tenderness is achieved. This is a quick, easy and delicious side dish!

Serves 6 to 8

Becky Frey, Lebanon

Finalist – Beets/Carrots/Turnips
2011 Pennsylvania “Simply Delicious, Simply Nutritious” Vegetable Recipe Contest

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