Marisa McClellan - Credit Steve Legato

Marisa McClellan’s established prowess as a canning authority makes her a unique specialist when it comes to using great Pennsylvania produce. As a full-time food writer and canning teacher, she has a wealth of knowledge and skill when it comes to coaxing amazing flavors from veggies and preserving them for later.

Her blog, Food in Jars, is an inspiring and insightful look into the many possibilities with pickling, preserving, canning and more. Marisa’s recipe for Tomato Chutney from her newest cookbook, Naturally Sweet in Food Jars, is sweet, spicy and complex. If you’re looking to go beyond the same ‘ole flavors, it’s a perfect (and delicious) way to shake things up.

“This spicy, Indian-inspired chutney is one that I use a lot when I need to elevate a motley assortment of leftovers into lunch or a solo dinner,” said Marisa. “It never fails to flavorfully marry things like wilted arugula, day-old cooked millet and a single soft boiled egg into a fancy grain bowl worthy of Instagram. If you crave it in the off-season, it works surprisingly well with canned tomatoes.”

Try this recipe by Marisa McClellan:
Tomato Chutney


Tips from Marisa McClellan

  • The great thing about chutneys is that they are mindless preserves to make. You heap all the ingredients in the pot and cook it down, stirring occasionally. You only need to pay good attention in the last 10 minutes of cooking, when burning is something of a risk.
  • There is no better preserve to liven up a grain bowl or a plate of scrambled eggs than a little dollop of chutney.
  • Chutney doesn’t only need to be thought of as a condiment. It’s also an awesome ingredient. Next time you want to give your homemade hummus an easy upgrade, add two or three tablespoons of chutney to the food processor. It’s an instant flavor boost.

Written by Nathan Greenwood
Photos by Steve Legato

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