The Vegetable Marketing and Research Program Board and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association funded the following research proposals in 2022.   The Vegetable Growers Association provided $42,823 of the funding and the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program provided $26,000.

  1. Impact of Management Practices on Soil Health Indicators in Conventional and Organic Vegetable Cropping Systems (multiyear- Year 3)
    Dr. Gladis Zinati, Rodale Institute
  2. Are Organic Herbicides Effective for Burndown Prior to Crop Establishment?
    Dwight Lingenfelter and John Wallace, Penn State University
  3. Potential Herbicide Programs to Control Problem Weeds in Pumpkin
    Dwight Lingenfelter and John Wallace, Penn State University
  4. Improving Onion Center Rot Management Through More Precise Topping at Harvest
    Beth K. Gugino and Jennie D. Mazzone, Penn State University
  5. Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Pyridate in Snap Beans
    Lynn Sosnoski, Cornell AgriTech; Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State University; and Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware
  6. In-Row Cultivation Using Camera Guidance Technology in Snap Bean
    John Wallace and Tosh Mazzone, Penn State University
  7. Assessing the Ability of Tomato Communities to Suppress Disease in a Transplant Setting
    Kevin L. Hockett, Penn State University
  8. Evaluation of Rootstock-Scion Interaction and Yield Performance in Fresh-Market Tomato Grown in High-Tunnel
    Timothy Elkner,, Andrew Blunk and Francesco Di Gioia, Penn State Extension and University
  9. Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Cultivar Trials
    Elsa Sánchez, Robert Pollock, Timothy Elkner, Thomas Butzler, and Megan Chawner – Penn State University and Extension
  10. Breeding Processing Tomatoes for Production in PA
    Majid R. Foolad, Penn State University
  11. Breeding Fresh-Market Tomatoes for Production in PA
    Majid R. Foolad, Penn State University