The Vegetable Marketing and Research Program Board and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association funded the following research proposals in 2021.   The Vegetable Growers Association provided $38,021 of the funding and the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program provided $20,000.

1. No-till vs. Plasticulture Tomatoes: Examining Yield, Earliness, and Soil Health
Elsa Sánchez, Sjoerd Duiker, Francesco Di Gioia, Pennsylvania State University

2.  Expanding Suppressive Microbial Communities to Manage Bacterial Spot of Tomato
Kevin L. Hockett, Pennsylvania State University

3. Breeding Fresh-Market Tomatoes for Production in PA send an email to [email protected] to request this report
Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State University

4. Breeding Processing Tomatoes for Production in PA – send an email to [email protected] to request this report
Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State University

5. Exploring Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation as a Biological Method to Manage Root-Knot Nematodes and Enhance Soil Health in High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems (report to come later)
Francesco Di Gioia and Beth Gugino, The Pennsylvania State University

6. Herbicide Timing Effects on Snap Bean Development and Yield
Lynn Sosnoskie, Cornell University, Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware and John Wallace and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State

7. Evaluating Burndown Options for No-till Snap Bean
Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware; John Wallace and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State; and Lynn Sosnoskie, Cornell University

8. Evaluation of Atrazine Alternatives for Postemergence Weed Control in Sweet Corn
John Wallace and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State; Lynn Sosnoskie, Cornell University and Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware

9. Impact of Management Practices on Soil Health Indicators in Conventional and Organic Vegetable Cropping Systems (multiyear- Year 2)
Dr. Gladis Zinati Director, Rodale Institute