The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association funded the following research projects in 2020.   The Vegetable Growers Association provided $60,000 of the funding and the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program provided $20,000.

1. Implementing On-Farm monitoring Tools for the In-Season Sustainable Management of Soil Fertility and Health in High Tunnel Conventional and Organic Vegetable Production Systems (report to come later)
Francesco Di Gioia, Penn State Univ. and Leah Fronk, John Esslinger, Thomas Butzler and Thomas Ford, Penn State Extension

2. Assessment of Nitrogen Input Requirement of Grafted and Non-Grafted Fresh-Market Tomato Grown in High-Tunnel (report to come later)
Francesco Di Gioia, Elsa Sanchez and Claudia Schmidt, Penn State Univ. and Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension

3. Cover Crops as a Solution to High Soluble Salt Levels in High Tunnels Elsa Sanchez, Penn State Univ. and Tom Ford, Penn State Extension

4. A Survey to Determine if Soilbourne Pathogens are potentially limiting yields in PA Tomato High Tunnel Production (report to come later)
Beth K. Gugino and Elisa Lauritzen, Penn State Univ.

5. Breeding Fresh-Market Tomatoes for Production in PA (report to come later)
Majid Foolad, Penn State Univ.

6. Breeding Processing Tomatoes for Production in PA (report to come later)
Majid Foolad, Penn State Univ.

7. HPPD Herbicides for Weed Control in Sweet Corn
Dwight D. Lingenfelter and Dr. John M. Wallace, Penn State Univ. and Dr. Mark J. VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware

8. Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Cultivar Trials
Elsa Sanchez and Francesco Di Gioia, Penn State Univ. and Tim Elkner, Tom Butzler and Bob Pollock, Penn State Extension                    

9. Impact of Management Practices on Soil Health Indicators in Conventional and Organic Vegetable Cropping Systems (multiyear)
Dr. Gladis Zinati, Rodale Institute

10. Overlapping Dual Magnum Programs for Weed Control in No-Till Pumpkins
Kurt Vollmer and Kelly Nichols, Univ. of Maryland Extension, Dwight D. Lingenfelter and John M. Wallace, Penn State Univ.