In 2018, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program used $20,000 of YOUR assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the PVGA which provided another $59,126.

1. Testing High Residue Cultivation for No-Till Snap Bean and Squash Production
Dr. Andrew Smith, Rodale Institute

2. Viable Options for Managing Allium Leafminer in Organic Onion Production
Dr. Gladis Zinati, Rodale Institute

3. Allium Leaf Miner Monitoring and Management - reports coming soon
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension and Shelby Fleischer, Penn State Univ.

4. Onion Variety Evaluation Trial
Thomas Butzler, Penn State Extension

5. Breeding Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Other Desirable Characteristics for Production in PA
Majid R. Foolad, Penn State Univ. – please email a request for this report to [email protected] 

6. Enhancing Authority MTZ Safety for Processing Tomatoes
Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ.

7. Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Muskmelon Cultivar Trials
Elsa Sánchez, Penn State Univ. & Tim Elkner, Tom Butzler, Bob Pollock, & Carla Burkle, Penn State Extension

8. Managing Early Season Cucumber Beetle Populations in Pumpkin Using Exirel - reports coming soon
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension and Shelby Fleischer, Penn State Univ.

9. Colored Bell Pepper High Tunnel Variety Trial - reports coming soon
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension  

10. Coupling Host Resistance with the Evaluation of Biofungicides for the Management of Common Foliar Vegetable Diseases in Pennsylvania.
Beth K. Gugino, Penn State Univ.

11. Specialty Melon Trial
Michael Orzolek, Penn State Univ.

12. Developing Tools for the Site-Specific Nutrient Management of Vegetable Crops in Pennsylvania
Francesco Di Gioia, Penn State Univ. - this report will be delayed until 2020

13. Vegetable Grafting as a Sustainable Tool to Improve Tomato Tolerance to Alkalinity Stress
Francesco Di Gioia, Penn State Univ. - this report will be delayed until 2020