In 2017, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program used $20,000 of YOUR assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the PVGA which provided another $59,126.

1.  New Herbicide Options for Weed Control in Sweet Corn: Round 2
     Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ. and Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware

2. Efficacy of Organic Biopesticides for the Management of White Mold in Processing Snap Bean in PA
     Dr. Sarah Pethybridge, Cornell Univ. and Dr. Beth K. Gugino, Penn State Univ.

3.  Fresh Market Slicer Tomato Variety Evaluation
Dr. Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension, Lancaster Co

4. Breeding Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Other Desirable Characteristics for Production in PA    not available online - contact PVMRP for a copy of this report
Dr. Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State Univ.

5. Authority MTZ: the Fit for Processing Tomatoes
Dr. Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware; Dwight Lingenfelter, The Pennsylvania State Univ.

6. Phytophthora Blight Management
 John Esslinger, Penn State Extension

7.  Keeping Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Pumpkin Cultivar Trials
     Elsa Sánchez, and William Lamont, Penn State Univ.; Timothy Elkner, Thomas Butzler, Robert Pollock, Penn State Extension

8. Impact of Insectary Strips to Control Cucumber Beetles
     Dr. Gladis Zinati, Rodale Institute

9. Colored Bell Pepper High Tunnel Variety Trial
     Dr. Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension

10. Issues with High Soluble Salt Levels in High Tunnels
     Dr. Elsa Sanchez, The Pennsylvania State Univ. and Thomas Ford, Penn State Extension

11. Allium Leaf Miner Monitoring and Management        This report is not yet available.
     Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension and Shelby Fleischer, The Pennsylvania State Univ.

12.  Leek  & Celery Variety Evaluations (B)     This report is not yet available.
     Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension

13.  Tactics for the Management of Center Rot of Onion: Augmented Nitrogen Fertigation & Cultivar Selection
     Dr. Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State Univ.

14.  Development of Fungicide Programs for Phytophthora Blight of Squash
    Dr. Sally A. Miller and Jhony Mera, The Ohio State Univ. OARDC