In 2015, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program used $17,000 of grower assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association which provided another $56,000.  Click on the project of interest to open a PDF file of the report.

  1. Evaluation of Select Seed and In-Furrow Treatments for the Management of Soilborne Pathogens of Snap Bean
    Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State University                                                                  
  1. Is There Potential of a New Herbicide in Snap Beans?
    Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ. and Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware                                                                                 
  1. Enhancing the Fungicide-Based Management of White Mold in Snap Bean
    Sarah Pethybridge and Amara Dunn, Cornell University, New York Agricultural Experiment Station
    Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State University                                                                  
  1. Evaluating the Status of Copper Resistance in Bacterial Populations in Pennsylvania Tomato Fields
    Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State University                                                                  
  1. Characterization of Genetic Resistance to Bacterial Canker in Tomato
    Timothy McNellis and Majid R. Foolad, Penn State University  – not available online – contact PVMRP for a copy of this report at [email protected] or 717-694-3596                                              
  1. Breeding Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Other Desirable Horticultural Characteristics for Production in PA
    Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State University – not available online – contact PVMRP for a copy of this report at [email protected] or 717-694-3596
  1. High Tunnel Fresh Market Slicer Tomato Variety Trial 2015
    Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension – report available soon                                                                  
  1. Western Flower Thrips and Other Insect and Arthropod Pest Management in Field Staked Tomatoes
    Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension                                                                                      
  1. Sweet Corn Trapping Network
    (The information from this pest monitoring project was reported throughout the season.)
    Shelby J. Fleischer, Penn State University

10. Seedless Watermelon Variety Trial
     Tanner Delvalle and Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension                                                        

11. Statewide Broccoli Cultivar Trials
      Elsa Sánchez and Bill Lamont, Penn State University
     Tim Elkner, Tom Butzler, Steve Bogash, Lee Stivers, and Bob Pollock, Penn State Ext.

12. Manure E coli Research Project
     Dr. Jeffrey LeJeune, Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Ctr. – report available soon