In 2014, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Progam used $20,000 of grower assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association which provided another $56,000.  Click on the project of interest to open a PDF file the report.

1. Breeding Tomatoes for Early Blight and Late Blight Resistance and Other Desirable Horticultural Characteristics for Production in Pennsylvania
Majid R. Foolad, Penn State University  – not available online – contact PVMRP for a copy of this report at [email protected] or 717-694-3596

2. Efficacy of Biochemcial & Microbial Biofungicides for the Management of Late Blight on Tomatoes Beth K. Gugino, Penn State University

3. Plum / Roma Tomato Variety Trial 2014
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension – report available soon

4.  Western Flower Thrips Management in Field Staked Tomatoes
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension

5.  Development of Insect Resistant Sweet Corn Cultivars
(Report will not be available until 2016)
Surinder Chopra and Shelby Fleischer, Penn State University

6.  Statewide Broccoli Cultivar Trials
Elsa Sánchez, Tim Elkner, Tom Butzler, Steve Bogash, Lee Stivers, Bob Pollock, Bill Lamont,
Penn State University and Extension)

7.  Striped Cucumber Beetle Management with Plant and Microbial Metabolites
Shelby J. Fleischer and Timothy Elkner, Penn State University and Extension

8.  Disease Resistant Pumpkin Variety Evaluation
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension. .

9.  High Tunnel Trellised Cucumber Variety Trial, Year 2
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extenson

10.  Colored Bell Pepper High Tunnel Economics Trial; Year 2
Steven Bogash and Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension – report available soon

11.  Continued Evaluation of the Effects of Inoculum Pressure and Onion Maturity at Harvest on Harvest and Post-Harvest Losses Due to Bacterial Diseases
Beth K. Gugino and Emily E. Pfeufer, Penn State University

12.  Evaluating Potential Herbicides for Row-Middles with Plasticulture
Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ.

13.  Developing Data to Support New Herbicide Registrations for Snap Beans
Robin Bellinder, Cornell Univ..

14.  Survey of Soilborne Snap Bean Pathogens in Pennsylvania and Establishment of a
Research Plot Dedicated to Snap Bean Root Pathogen Research

Beth Gugino, Penn State Univ.

15.  Survey of the Survival of E. coli from Manure under Field Conditons
Jeffrey LeJeune, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center – report available soon