In 2012, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Progam used $25,000 of grower assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association which provided another $37,000.  Click on the project of interest to open a PDF file of the report.


1. Building Upon BLIGHTCAST and PA-PIPE: Evaluation of an Improved Decision Support System for Late Blight
Beth K. Gugino and Ilse Herta, Penn State Univ. and Bill E. Fry, Cornell Univ.

2. High Tunnel Fresh Market Slicer Tomato Variety Trial 2012
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension

3. Breeding Tomatoes for Early Blight and Late Blight Resistance and Other Desirable Traits for Production in Pennsylvania
Majid R. Foolad, Penn State Univ. 
– contact PVMRP for a copy of this report at [email protected] or 717-694-3596.

Snap Beans

4. Use of Residual Herbicides for Tough to Control Weeds in Snap Beans
Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ.

5. White Mold Control in Snap Beans Without Ronilan
Helene R. Dillard, Joi Strauss and Alissa Carissimi, Cornell Univ.

Sweet Corn

6. Sweet Corn Trapping Network
Shelby J. Fleischer, Penn State Univ.

7. Keeping Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Sweet Corn Cultivar Trials
Elsa Sánchez and Michael Orzolek, Penn State Univ. and Timothy Elkner, Thomas Butzler, Steve Bogash, Lee Stivers, and Eric Oesterling, Penn State Ext.

Other Crops

8. Evaluate the Efficacy of Alternative In-Season Management Products and Fertility Treatments on Yield and the Development of Onion Bacterial Diseases
Beth K. Gugino, Michele Mansfield and Emily Pfeufer, Penn State Univ. and Jeff Stoltzfus, Eastern Lancaster Co. School District

9. Green Slicer Cucumber Variety Trial
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension

10. Colored Bell Pepper High Tunnel Variety Trial II
Steve Bogash and Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension

11. Optimum Plant Populations for Cantaloupe Production
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension