In 2011, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Progam used $35,000 of grower assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association which provided another $35,000.  Click on the project of interest to open a PDF file of the report.

Sweet Corn

1.   Monitoring and Management of Worms in Sweet Corn
Shelby J. Fleischer and Scott Smiles, Penn State Univ.

2.   Evaluating Rotational Vegetable Crop Sensitivity to Impact Herbicide
Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ.

3.   Non-Atrazine Herbicide Programs for Weed Control in No-till Sweet Corn
Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ. and Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware

Snap Beans

4.   Extended Season Management of Snap Bean Root Pathogens Using Combinations of Seed and Soil Treatments
Beth K. Gugino, Penn State Univ. and William Waltman, Penn State Cooperative Ext.

5.   Common Lambsquarters and Velvetleaf Control in Snap Beans
Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ. and Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware

6.   Breeding White Mold Resistant Snap Beans
Phillip D. Griffiths, Cornell Univ. NYSAES


7.   Management of Tomato Bacterial Pathogens Using Heat Seed Treatments
Beth K. Gugino, Penn State Univ., and Steve Bogash, Penn State Cooperative Ext.

8.   Breeding Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Other Desirable Traits for Production in PA (PDF coming soon)
Majid R. Foolad, Penn State Univ.

9.   High Tunnel Fresh Market Slicer Tomato Nutrient Trial
Steve Bogash, Penn State Cooperative Extension

10. Biological Control of Tomato Root Diseases
Steven Bogash, Penn State Cooperative Ext.


11. Disease Resistant Pumpkin Variety Evaluation
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Univ.

12. Evaluation of New Cantaloupe Varieties for Marketable Yield, Fruit Quality and Pest Problems
Michael D. Orzolek, Penn State Univ.

13. Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Winter Squash Cultivar Trials
Elsa Sánchez and Mike Orzolek, Penn State Univ.; Timothy Elkner, Thomas Butzler, Steven Bogash, Lee Young, and Eric Oesterling, Penn State Coop. Extension


14. Evaluate the Role of Transplants and the Effect of Defense-Inducing, Growth-Promoting and Fertility Treatments Yield and Development of Onion Bacterial Diseases
Beth K. Gugino, Penn State Univ.


15. Colored Bell Pepper High Tunnel Variety Trial
Steve Bogash and Timothy Elkner, Penn State Cooperative Extension