2010 Projects – Click on the project of interest to open a PDF file of the report.


1. Tomato Blight Forecasting: Delivery through the Pennsylvania Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (PA-PIPE)
Beth K. Gugino and Michele Mansfield, The Pennsylvania State University, Ken Martin, Furmano Foods, and Joe Russo, ZedX, Inc.

2. Breeding for Early Blight and Late Blight Resistance in Tomato
Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State University

3. Enhancement of Tomato Fruit Quality: Maximizing Lycopene and Solids Contents and Minimizing Ripening Disorders
Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State University

4.High Tunnel Fresh Market Slicer Tomato Variety Trial 2010
Steve Bogash, Penn State Coop. Ext.

5. Biological Control of Tomato Root Diseases
Steve Bogash, Penn State Coop. Ext.

Sweet Corn

6. Kixor® Herbicide: A Potentially New Sweet Corn Herbicide
Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Department of Crop and Soil Sciences; Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware; Tim Elkner, Penn State, Lancaster County Cooperative Extension

7. Addressing the Sweet Corn Trapping Infrastructure
Shelby J. Fleischer, Scott Smiles, and John Tooker, Penn State University

Snap Beans

8. Evaluating Potential of Mesotrione Carryover to Snap Bean
BMark VanGessel, University of Delaware; Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ.

9. Breeding White Mold Resistant Snap Beans
Phillip D. Griffiths, Cornell University NYSAES


10. Shipper Cantaloupe and Round Melon Variety Evaluation 2010
Steve Bogash, Penn State Coop. Ext.

11. Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Cultivar Trials – Winter Squash and Pumpkins
Elsa Sánchez and Mike Orzolek, Penn State Univ.; Tim Elkner, Tom Butzler, Steve Bogash, Lee Young, and Eric Oesterling, Penn State Cooperative Extension

12. Disease Resistant Pumpkin Variety Evaluation–COMING SOON
Timothy Elkner, Penn State Coop. Ext.


13. Further Elucidation and Management of Bacterial Diseases Occurring on Onion in Pennsylvania
Beth K. Gugino and Michele Mansfield, The Pennsylvania State University; .Jeff Stoltzfus, Eastern Lancaster School District; Timothy Elkner, Penn State Cooperative Extension.

14. On-Farm Evaluation of Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Fungicide Resistance using a Cucurbit Seedling Bioassay
Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State University; Meg McGrath, Cornell University – LIHREC; Andy Wyenandt, Rutgers University; Steve Rideout, Virginia Tech – ESAREC; Kate Everts, University of Maryland – LESREC; Bob Mulrooney, Univ. of Delaware