This checklist will get your marketing set up for success and keep you on track throughout the season. Feel free to download the print-friendly version using the button below if you would like a hard copy, or return to this page regularly. If you're following along on this page, there are links woven into the tasks, which direct you to the tools referenced.

Download the PA Produce Month Marketing Checklist

Check Your Way to Promotional Success for PA Produce Month
PREP: Complete these tasks prior to August:

[ ]   Visit www.paveggies.local for a clear understanding and exploration of all the FREE marketing resources available to you in the Farmer's Toolkit as well as instructions for many of the tasks below.

[ ]   Download the PA Produce Month Facebook Cover Photo from the Toolkit and upload it as the new cover photo for your page, now through the end of August.

[ ]   Add the PA Produce Month Facebook Profile Frame to your business and/or personal Facebook profile picture.

[ ]   Announce the upcoming PA Produce Month to your audience through a preferred platforms(s) of choice (Facebook, email, etc.) using the Graphics provided in the Toolkit.

[ ]   Stock/restock flyers, business cards, brochures at local establishments.

[ ]   OPTIONAL: Pick a Campaign Theme (or Themes) to guide all your marketing efforts during PA Produce Month. Follow the Campaign Checklist. Please Note: this will work best if planning and organization begins at least two weeks prior to August.

COMPLETE DAILY or as much as possible:

[ ]   Post on your preferred social media platform. Below are a few methods. Choose what works for YOU:

[ ]   Find messaging inspiration in the Toolkit's Promotional Prompts or from a Campaign Theme.

[ ]   Use a ready-to-go Graphic that corresponds with a Prompt or Campaign, or choose a General Graphic with personal messaging. Don't over think it. Short and sweet will work just fine.

[ ]   Take a live photo or video on your farm, at market, etc. Just share the image, forget the caption, if you're really tight for time.

[ ]   Copy and paste a link to content on www.paveggies.local. Choose from blogs, infographics, recipes, videos and more!

[ ]   Visit @PAVeggies on Facebook or Instagram, or search for #paveggies posts and re-post the most relevant content.

[ ]   Explore the News Feed of your Facebook Business Page (there are Instructions on How To do this in the Toolkit) and engage (like, comment, and share) with like-minded pages and individuals.

[ ]   Message, email, or call a local media outlet or an influential individual of the food and farming community to let them know about PA Produce Month and how you're personally celebrating.


[ ]   Write a blog and/or send an email. What to talk about? Find inspiration in the Toolkit's Promotional Prompts or from a Campaign Theme. Use the ready-to-go Graphics with your outreach and share the blog/email through your preferred social media platform, too (if applicable).

[ ]   Write a Press Release using one of the Templates at www.paveggies.local. Email/mail the finished Release to a local media outlet or an influential individual of the food and farming community. Place a follow up call to the outlet/individual to reinforce the importance of your message.


[ ]   Order Point of Purchase Materials from the Program or purchase some at your local auction. Any grower who orders point-of-purchase materials will receive six small Produce Month posters to use in their markets.

[ ]   Build a PA Produce Month display in your market or at your stand.
Use PA Produce Month in your advertising during August.

[ ]   Develop a special coupon and/or a frequent buyer program for use at your
market during PA Produce Month only. These could be handed out at your
market during the end of July and early August.

[ ]   Offer a PA Produce Month special during August like "Pick 5 Get 10", where
the customer gets a 10% discount when they buy 5 different vegetables, or
throw in a free cantaloupe with a set purchase ($10-$15).

[ ]   Offer a different special each week of August to build excitement and
anticipation. If your peppers are overproducing, make them the giveaway item.
Use specials that worked for you in the past or dream up something brand new.

[ ]   Host a PA Produce Month special event, like a Sweet Corn Festival. If you
have a special event planned for August, incorporate PA Produce Month into
your plans and publicity for that event. If you would like your special event to
be considered for one of the Program’s media events, contact the Program.