Please follow these guidelines and suggestions for your takeover of @paveggies Instagram.
Contact Angela Corrado with any questions:
(cell) 484-955-3817 | [email protected]
Check @paveggies Instagram feed a day or two before your takeover and feel free to repost our takeover announcement to your account (not required). You’ll need to download a repost app to do this if you don’t have one already.
Log in credentials are as follows:
Username: paveggies
Password: PAProduceMonth
IMPORTANT: if the account identifies your login as suspicious activity and prompts you to enter a code that was sent to the account email, please text or call Angela Corrado as soon as possible and she will rectify this: 484-955-3817.
Please introduce yourself in your first post and let our followers know that you’re:
If takeover is in JULY: “taking over #paveggies account for the day to get everyone ready for the upcoming #paproducemonth”
If takeover is in AUGUST: “taking over #paveggies account for the day in honor of #paproducemonth”
DON’T select the option that will share your post on Facebook as well, since Instagram will default to your linked account, not PA Veggies’.
We suggest (but don’t require) choosing a theme or unique focus for your takeover. For example, share an inside look at and fun facts about soil management, transplanting, seeding, weeding, harvesting, packing, market setup, tomatoes, csa or wholesale delivery day, grilling, get the idea.
Please do not promote or demote any particular agenda. For example, if you’re an organic vegetable farm, please refrain from messages that are “exclusively organic”. Similarly, we are not in a position to showcase a particularly opinion about vegan or vegetarian. Yes, the focus is vegetables and we can suggest veggies as meat substitutes to “add a twist on a classic meal” from time to time, but we DON’T ALLOW messaging that speaks negatively about meat or dairy.
Please DO NOT mention or showcase alcohol in any way.
#paveggies and #paveggiesGuestIG are the only tag we require you to use in every post. Some additional suggested tags include #paproducemonth #pennsylvania #vegetables #paproduce #homegrownhappiness
Please LOG OUT when done.
Thank you!