Below you’ll find a recording of a live webinar from June 2, 2020 which was titled “How to Find New Customers & Keep the Ones You Have”. It walks viewers through the concept of funneling leads and converting them into regular customers via (mostly) digital tools i.e. landing pages.
Once you’re watched the webinar (30 minutes, followed by Q&A), take advantage of the free tools and additional resources below and in our Farmer Toolkit to make the most of your own funneling strategy.
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Webinar Recording
This is a recording of a live webinar from June 2, 2020. Led by a marketing professional with 10+ years experience in the food and farming industry, the webinar covers funneling strategy, explaining how to capture new leads and convert them into retainer customers.
Webinar Slides
Click the visual below or “Webinar Slides” above to access the copy and visuals that were presented in conjunction with the marketing professional’s instruction in the June 2, 2020 webinar (video above).
Lead Magnets to Borrow
Click the link above to access beautiful materials that you can offer to your leads/prospective customers in exchange for their contact information.
How to Find Channels to Funnel From
- Think about your average customer (or perhaps a low hanging fruit that’s not currently shopping with you but has the potential to).
- Consider where and how they spend their time.
- Let’s pretend “doing yoga” is one option for this example.
- If you are hoping to attract people to your place-based business, head to the Google search engine and enter “yoga near me” (assuming you’re near/at your business when doing this).
- Identify the businesses that are most prominent in the search results (top of page).
- Consider contacting them to suggest a cross promotion of sorts i.e. “Hi! I think your customers would be interested in these Veggie Checklists. Would you be willing to include a mention of them in your next email communications (or on your website or your blog…)?”
- If you’re not solely place-based (offer delivery/shipping) then remove the “near me” and use broader, but still relevant search terms i.e. “how to master pigeon pose”.
- Repeat for various “themes”, not just yoga. Find as many channels as possible. This is where you’ll place the “top of your funnel” and direct people to your business, ideally a landing page, where you will then capture the lead’s contact information and nurture them into making a purchase, and eventually becoming a regular customer.
Landing Page Tutorials/Help
Landing Page Examples