In 2016, the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program used $24,676 of YOUR assessment dollars to fund the following research projects in partnership with the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association which provided another $57,000.  Click on the project of interest to open a PDF file of the report.

1. Managing Corn Earworm While Conserving Aphid Biocontrols
     Shelby J. Fleischer Penn State Univ. and and Jeff Stoltzfus, ELANCO Adult Farmer Education

2.  New Herbicide Options for Weed Control in Sweet Corn
     Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ. and Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware

3.  Evaluation of Select Seed and In-Furrow Treatments for the Management of Soilborne Pathogens of Snap Bean
     Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State Univ.          This report is not yet available.

4.  Efficacy of Fungicides for the Management of White Mold in Snap Bean in Pennsylvania
     Sarah Pethybridge, Cornell Univ., New York Agricultural Experiment Station, and Beth K. Gugino,
The Pennsylvania State Univ.

5.  Reflex for Pumpkins: Does it Have a Fit?
     Mark VanGessel, Univ. of Delaware and Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Univ.

6.  Keeping Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Pumpkin Cultivar Trials
     Elsa Sánchez, and William Lamont, Penn State Univ.; Timothy Elkner, Thomas Butzler, Steven Bogash, and Robert Pollock, Penn State Extension

7. Breeding Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and other Desirable Horticultural Characteristics for Production in Pennsylvania
     Majid R. Foolad, The Pennsylvania State Univ.      not available online – contact PVMRP for a copy of this report

8.  Bacterial Diseases of Tomato: Developing and Augmenting Current Management Strategies.
     Beth K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State Univ.        This report is not yet available.

9. Control of Thrips in High Tunnel Tomato Production with Natural Enemies and Entomopathogenic Fungi
     Cathy Thomas- PA Department of Agriculture

10.  Fresh Market Slicer Tomato Variety Evaluation Including Advanced PSU Selections
     Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension, Lancaster County and Jeff Stoltzfus, ELANCO Adult Farmer Program, and Majid Foolad, Penn State Univ.

11. High Tunnel Tomato Leaf Mold Management Evaluation
     Timothy Elkner, Penn State Extension and Beth Gugino, Penn State Univ.  This report is not yet available.

12. The Effect of Cover Crops On Weed Control in Organic Production of Tomatoes and Brassicas
     Cynthia James, Rodale Institute

13. Deploying Microbes as a Seed Treatment for Protection Against Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens
     Rick Carr, Rodale Institute